Printed envelope correspondence A5 16,2x23 cm

Printing of A5 sticky mail envelopes offset or digital* with net dimensions 16,2x23 cm.
High quality white paper 90gr / m2
Select folder printing with right or left transparent window.
Ability to print the entire surface of the envelope, in its language, on the back, inside, making envelopes on differential paper and special constructions after consultation.
Printing after consultation with special styles such as e.g. thermal prints, gold prints, silver prints, reliefs etc.
In the best possible quality and with immediate delivery in 1-3 working days depending on the quantity and peculiarities of the work.
Select the appropriate folder for your needs and take advantage of the special prices for online orders.
*There are restrictions in some special pantone colors and on the coverage area from printing depending on the type.
The prices are for printing only on the front of the envelope.
Prices may change without prior warning
For even more custom options and special preferences contact us.
Prices do not include VAT or shipping.
The special low prices are only for on-line orders.
No order will be finilazed and sent before being explicitely approved by the customer.