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Digiter Smart Menu

The electronic Digiter Smart menu and the QR code, is the new innovative solution to avoid the use of the same menu by many customers in order to protect them and protect staff.

By using the customer's mobile or tablet and a simple scan of the QR code that can be printed on the table, on the soupla, or on a simple disposable card, the customer can safe and easily navigate the menu, select the products who wants to then give his order to the waiter to avoid mistakes and misunderstandings.

The ease of updating even for last minute changes from the store, and the ease of use by the customer, make Digiter Smart menu the most suitable tool for any dining area.

Combine the digital QR menu with your placemats or your business cards and take advantage of corresponding free accesses for the Digiter Smart Menu.

From €99 for 1 units

Express Interest or Order
Activation package
Greek Language
icon   Allows editing of product names and prices in one area (e.g. specials, offers etc) Editor Area
icon   Maximum file size 20MB. To send multiple files, use ZIP or RAR.

Additional languages (typing)
icon   Translation to languages other than English, German, French and Italian is automatic and without any corrections. For professional translation of other languages cost may vary. Additional languages (translation)

Prices may change without prior warning
For even more custom options and special preferences contact us.
Prices do not include VAT or shipping.
The special low prices are only for on-line orders.
No order will be finilazed and sent before being explicitely approved by the customer.

We accept all debit and credit cards and credit card!
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